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Electric Cars April 20, 2022
10 things you need to know about Electric Cars
Here’s 10 things we think you should know about electric cars:
A bumper year of awards for Tusker
We are only just four months into 2022, and already it’s been a bumper year of awards for Tusker. It’s always great
Employer April 14, 2022
2022 – What does the year ahead have in store?
Not all costs have to rise While the lower total cost of ownership for EVs compared to ICE vehicles helps to narrow
Electric Cars April 7, 2022
Record high fuel costs push the charge to electric
The Chancellor might have cut 5 pence per litre off fuel duty in his recent Spring Statement, but that did little to
Industry April 5, 2022
Fully Charged – Starring Tusker
On a rainy day in early March, Paul Gilshan was sent off to a windswept hangar in the outskirts of Cheltenham to
Charging an electric car on the road, by Nat Barnes
Electric Cars April 1, 2022
Electric Cars March 30, 2022
Electric Cars: What happens in 2030/2035
2030 is a date you see often quoted when it comes to electric cars along with the claim that when we get
How to save money when charging your EV
How much does it cost to run and charge your electric car?   It’s undoubtedly one of the most popular questions surrounding
Electric Cars March 29, 2022
Tusker on course to achieve Net Zero by 2023
Employee car benefits provider Tusker on course to achieve Net Zero by 2023   Tusker is on course to achieve Net Zero