Electric Cars / Employer / Salary Sacrifice

Tusker Case Study: ScottishPower

ScottishPower boosts sustainability and benefits with Tusker, to save 500 tonnes of CO2 a year

ScottishPower has boosted its sustainability and enhanced its employee benefits via the introduction of an EV focused salary sacrifice car benefits scheme.

As a leading global renewable energy producer, leading the response to climate change and working to achieve Net Zero is a key corporate priority, but so also is the provision of great benefits to ScottishPower’s 5789 employees.

Tusker and ScottishPower

With a desire to enhance their sustainable benefits offering in support of their corporate goals , ScottishPower engaged Tusker, the UK’s leading salary sacrifice car benefits scheme provider to ensure that all expectations were met.

An EV grant scheme has also been introduced by ScottishPower for employees, complimenting the salary sacrifice car scheme. It means that the already highly affordable Tusker vehicles are more economically attractive, as employees are able to get a lump sum payment, in exchange for  ScottishPower livery being displayed on the vehicle.

Tusker was chosen on the basis of its long-term carbon neutrality, and evidenced ability to implement its scheme on a wide scale with large corporations. Tusker worked together with ScottishPower to ensure that the new electric car benefit scheme was inclusive and easily accessible. A mobile-friendly, online car order process was introduced and fully integrated to ScottishPower’s existing employee benefit portal, which provided employees with access to a wealth of information about the car scheme and the vehicles available.

The launch of the car scheme was supported by a multi-channel communications campaign which made the economic advantages and environmental benefits of the scheme clear on a company-wide level, and employee interest in the scheme was high from the outset.

Success Story

The salary sacrifice car scheme launched in June 2022, and was an immediate success.

By September 2022, 135 ScottishPower employees had signed up to the scheme, with a total of 65 EVs being delivered to employees by end of Q4 of 2022. More than 145 vehicles have now been ordered, 69 of which also qualify for the EV Grant scheme. With the employee engagement continuing to rise, and the scheme now on track to deliver more than 250 new EVs by the end of 2023, ScottishPower calculates that it will have saved an astonishing 500 tonnes of CO2 by the end of the year, just from cars on the Tusker scheme alone.

Paul Gilshan, CEO at Tusker, said:

“The success of the ScottishPower scheme shows how a company can maximise employee engagement through the introduction of value-aligned benefits which save employees money, and saves the environment at the same time.”

Jenny McCosh, Benefits Manager at ScottishPower commented;

“The success of this scheme has far exceeded our expectations and estimations. By working with Tusker we have been able to offer the ultimate in flexibility and affordability to ScottishPower employees, it’s another way the company can assist employees in driving the greenest cars, while reducing our CO2 emissions at the same time.”

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